Race Registration
BMX Race events are similar in registration, most races require pre-registration, this will be done in various manners - calling, texting, completing pre-registration forms.
In most cases, race registration for events can be found on the social media postings for clubs and events.
Most clubs will post the weekly schedule for club events on their social media pages
abide by the posting on how to register for your club, or event racing - these can vary.
Not all clubs require check-in for weekly club events, it is the rider responsibility to check the rider sheet BEFORE motos are posted.
As the rider, it is your responsibility to ensure that your information is correct - spelling of first and last name, class & age, plate number. IF there are any errors, report to the Moto shed to corrected ASAP!
Provincial Racing will require you to checking, regardless of pre-race registration, you will be required to show your race license.